So I started my MBA in March, and I'll be in school through April 2009. I just finished my final paper for the second course in the program...and I want to bang my head against a wall. This has been my life for the last two and half days. Well, this and Starbucks (it's my third place).
I'm glad it's done though. Next course starts Monday, it's a finanical analysis seminar, which I'm really excited about. Nerd, yeah, I know.

Deep down inside, I've alway been and probably always will be a runner. I'm just hiding it behind a few extra pounds right now. The thing I hate most about running is running alone. So, in an effort to bring out the true me, I purchased the Nike+ system. A guy I know out in Cali had this widget on his blog, and I thought it was the coolest thing. This kinda helps me feel like I've got some running buddies....that and like I have a new ipod.
Alright, it's been a long day, g'night.