One thing I like to do each year is to take the new group of interns from Rockin' C Ranch on a Team Building adventure trip. We have a great group this year: Jill, David, Nick, Ashley L., Ashley J., and Ethan (not in picture, he was in Southeast Asia). I am super excited about what the Lord is going to do through this group this year, as well as what He is going to do in them.

In years past we have gone spelunking at Longhorn Caverns and Inner Space Caverns. This year we went to Lake Mineral Wells State Park to do some rappelling and rock climbing. The formation at Penitentiary Hollow is stunning and makes for a great experience. The first day we rappelled and after lunch a few rappelled Australian style. The second day we climbed a few different runs. My body hurt so bad the next day.
We had a ton of fun and grew as a group. Part of the fun was a great game Erin and I picked up from some friends of ours Deyl and Paige. If you never played Settlers of're missing out!
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