Thursday, September 6, 2007

The advantages of accuracy

so I purchased this Nike+ system back in in June after I read a couple of posts by Deyl and DJ about their Nike+ experiences. It was this same experience that got me blogging more regularly, so thanks guys!

Well, I've been running with Nike+ for a few months and have just been depressed at my performance. I was a runner in high school and college so running 9 and 10 minute miles was just a downer. then I thought, "hey you should probably calibrate this thing." what a difference. The distance was off about 10% so I was running farther and faster than it was reporting. Since then I put in 7:37 mile and a 24:45 5k. nothing glory days pr's for those distances are 4:45 mile and 17:31 5K. still nothing to write home about, but when I thought I was having trouble running fast than a 9 minute mile I wanted to cry.

Anyway, that's all better now and I've been so encouraged with my last two runs now that everythings accurate.

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