That's pretty pathetic. Let's see what I can catch you up on that may have happened in the last year.
In D

ecember 2008, I went back to Orlando for the
CCCA National Convention. Not near as exciting since I had just been to Disney a few months before. But the conference was great and I really learned a lot.
At the same time, along with a classmate, Brant, I competed in a by-invitation-only,

globally competitive
business strategy simulation. It was really intense, but it was an awesome opportunity to practically apply many of the concepts we had been learning in the MBA program. And the awesome thing is that our team won! I could tell more, but I'll save the intense nerdiness for a future post.

In March, Erin and I joined a big group from her side of the family for a cruise. It was my first, and I'm sold! We set sail out of Galveston, and stopped in Costa Maya, Roatan, and Cozumel.
In April, I graduated from LeTourneau University with an MBA specializing in

Finance. Going back to school was a big decision, but with it completed I'm so glad that I did, and I'm so thankful to my bride for her patience and support during those two years!

The summer was super busy as usual. We had a fantastic summer at camp, mostly due to an awesome group of summer staffer. My sister Jennifer came and spent the whole summer with Erin and I. We had a lot of fun. One of the highlights was a trip to see a Texas Rangers baseball game. Erin and I also moved back to camp for the summer for RV livin', part 2. Always an adventure.
A couple of months ago, I discovered
Twitter. Just what I needed, another source of

information to check on a regular basis.
I've also been reading quite a few books these past couple of months. I give the interns at camp books to read as part of the development/discipleship element of the program, and I decided to reread those books and have managed to fit in quite a few others. I think I'll post some reviews on those books in the coming days.
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