After I committed to reading a book a week, it also got me thinking that I've always wanted to read through the Bible in a year, but have never had the discipline to get it done. So, I decided that accomplishing that goal was at least as important as reading all these other books. This makes for quite a bit of reading each day.
But you know what, it's amazing how much time I "found" when I reclaimed my mornings and cut back on how much TV I watch in the evenings. I get up at 5:00 am most days (yes, coffee has become a much bigger part of my life) to read for a couple of hours before I have to get ready for work, and I try not to turn on the TV when I get home from work because I've found once it's on, it's really difficult to turn off. The first book I read was called "You've Got WHO!" by Bob Beaudine, and he inspired me in my quest to reclaim my time when he said:
I believe that working to pay the bills is one of the most common causes in forgetting your dream. So many people are just too tired at the end of the day to work on or even think about their dream. Too bad. Turn off the damn TV! The TV will suck your dream right into the black hole of oblivion. Refuse to veg—unless, of course, your dream is to become a vegetable.I'll talk more about what I learned from Bob in my post about You've Got WHO! In the mean time, I'll keep on reading and I'll keep you updated about what I'm learning as I go.
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