Tuesday, December 25, 2007
break up
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Nike+ Challenge
So congrats Deyl...Texas I'm sorry.
Long time coming...
I also had the opportunity to film a commercial for LeTourneau University. That was a Divine appointment. sort of...you see I've been itching for an iPhone for a while but there was just no way I was going to spend $400 of my hard earned money on it....then I got the call...LeTourneau needed someone as a talent for a commercial they wanted to produce and someone mentioned my name...oh and by the way, they were paying $400! bingo! so we shot the commercial on Tuesday, and I got my iPhone on Thursday!
Personally my favorite part is that it's almost time to take the brownies out! if you know, you know. if you don't, ask.
As soon as I get a link for the LeTourneau commercial, I'll post a link.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Erin's Goals and Laundry detergent

Saturday, November 10, 2007
Business Time
Thursday, November 8, 2007
New Goals....BIG GOALS!

You, too, are capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for. You've got to dream big and set small goals along the way. Whether it's paying off debt, having a great marriage, getting that degree, or doing something you've always wanted to do but just thought was impossible, TODAY IS THE DAY! Tell other people about what it is you want to have/be/do! Be strong and courageous, dream BIG, LIVE BIG, BELIEVE!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I sure do appreciate you all...
Unfortunately, we've got a foul-mouth coward among us, who is showing his foolishness through word and deed, while hiding behind the anonymous option that blogger affords those who don't have a google account.
Anyway, keep on posting! I so enjoy hearing from you all...and I'll deal with the coward.
Monday, October 29, 2007
A Weekend to Remember!

Sunday, October 28, 2007
Thanks for stopping by!!
Thanks for stopping by! Add a link to your favorites and check in every now and then. I try to post regularly with what is going on with me and my wife.
Leave me comments and let me know what you're up to. Thanks again for stopping by.
BTW - if you have a blog give me the address so I can keep up with you too!
P.S. I found this hit counter that gives you a map of the location of your visitors. Here is the map of the folks that have stopped by since last night. (pic updated Oct 31)

Friday, October 12, 2007
"The Rock" - San Francisco, CA

San Francisco was a great leg of our trip. We got to spend a lot of time with Stephanie Francis Lind and her man Chacho. It was good to catch up with her, since we didn't get to see her at the reunion.
til next time...
Westmont Reunion - Santa Barbara

Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Lombard Street - San Francisco, CA
I have heard about the most crooked road in the world and today I got to see it. The walk up the hill was pretty intense, but worth it. We spent the day in San Fran today, we rented some bikes and biked to Fort Point right below the Golden Gate Bridge. Then we walked to Lombard Street and then on to China town. That was such a different experience. We were looking for this place called the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory and we found with the help of some locals, tucked away in an alley. We never would have looked there.
All around it was a fun but exhausting day. Tomorrow we are going to tour Alcatraz Island and see the prison, I'm pretty excited. Then we're off to the Fresno area to spend a few more days with family and celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving.
I hope you all are doing well, I am going to post in the next couple of days about the adventures of the Westmont reunion (what a blast!), so be looking out.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Tickle Pink Inn - Carmel, CA
A place to call home for tonight...
Sunday night, I surprised Erin with a stay in a great little inn called the Tickle Pink Inn. We were greeted in our room with champagne and chocolates. This was the view from our balcony, it was amazing.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
California Dreamin'
Thursday, September 6, 2007
The advantages of accuracy
so I purchased this Nike+ system back in in June after I read a couple of posts by Deyl and DJ about their Nike+ experiences. It was this same experience that got me blogging more regularly, so thanks guys!
Well, I've been running with Nike+ for a few months and have just been depressed at my performance. I was a runner in high school and college so running 9 and 10 minute miles was just a downer. then I thought, "hey you should probably calibrate this thing." what a difference. The distance was off about 10% so I was running farther and faster than it was reporting. Since then I put in 7:37 mile and a 24:45 5k. nothing stunning...my glory days pr's for those distances are 4:45 mile and 17:31 5K. still nothing to write home about, but when I thought I was having trouble running fast than a 9 minute mile I wanted to cry.
Anyway, that's all better now and I've been so encouraged with my last two runs now that everythings accurate.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
The Servant Heart and the Selfish Nature
One winter afternoon when I was in high school, I was washing my hands in the school bathroom. The girl at the sink next to me was washing blood off her forearm. She had carved the word "hate" into her flesh. I was deeply disturbed by this experience. I could feel the depth of the girls pain and I wanted help - I wanted to heal. I didn't know how. So, in my little teenage mind, I contrived a plan to be her unsolicited Secret Santa. I figured that even a small expression of kindness from a stranger might help. So, for weeks, I left little gifts for this girl with our PE teacher. I was eagerly awaiting the day I would reveal myself and hopefully offer this stranger some comfort.
My PE teacher and I had a mentoring relationship, and she was concerned about my feelings being hurt in the end of this experiment. One day, my teacher pulled me aside and said, "Erin, what you are doing is very sweet, and I am worried that it is not being appreciated. She does not look like she cares when I give her your little gifts. I don't think you should give them to her anymore." And, so I stopped. The feeling of regret that resulted has never left me.
I was not being kind for appreciation, recognition, or acknowledgement. But I was not confident enough in my convictions at the time to continue to do what I knew was right. My teacher meant no harm. She was protecting my heart.
As a social worker now, I am trained to help and heal. I feel it is my calling. And to this day, I am still astonished by the animosity a servant heart stirs in others. For some, it is merely something they cannot understand - doing something kind for someone without appreciation and the risk of being hurt. For others, it provokes an attack. A bludgeoning of "you don't need to do that" and "you're wasting time," and the underlying "you're making me look bad!" My back bone is strengthening as I learn that others do not think and live as I do, and I need to do what I know is right. Who would have thought that kindness would rock the boat. Here's to rocking the boat!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Happy Birthday Mama!
Erin and I drove over on Friday and surprised her Friday night. I called her when we were a couple of blocks away from her house and started some small talk about what a "long day" I had and that I was "just now pulling up to the house" (her house). The small talk continued as I walked into the front door and she said something to the effect of "you've got to be kidding me" while still holding the phone to her ear. It was a good surprise.
We spent 3 or 4 hours at her house that night just catching up and having fun, then went to stay at my brothers house. We slept in the next morning, ate breakfast at one of my favorite restaurants, Charlie Coram's Place (the home of heavenly hash). After breakfast we picked up my sister Valerie and headed to St. Andrew State Park for an afternoon at the beach. The beaches are just beautiful, so often I go to PC and don't go to the beach. I guess I've been away long enough that I miss it. We laid around on the beach for a little while, and finally coaxed Erin into the water.
We ran some errands the rest of the day and ended up at mom's house around 7pm. Supper was supposed to be at 8, ended up closer to 9 so we were real hungry by the time everything was ready. Supper was delicious we had steak, baked potatoes, and corn on the cob. It was so nice having the family together just being a family. We didn't do that much growing up. It was nice. Happy Birthday Mom!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Team Building 101

Celebrating 2 years!

Thursday, June 28, 2007
one more down...

Deep down inside, I've alway been and probably always will be a runner. I'm just hiding it behind a few extra pounds right now. The thing I hate most about running is running alone. So, in an effort to bring out the true me, I purchased the Nike+ system. A guy I know out in Cali had this widget on his blog, and I thought it was the coolest thing. This kinda helps me feel like I've got some running buddies....that and like I have a new ipod.